Tel: 02392 388149 or 07795 522700

Skin Blemish Removal

Treatment for the Removal of:


Moles are small patches on the skin that form due to collections of cells called melanocytes, which produce the colour (pigment) in your skin. Moles are often a brownish colour, although some may be darker or skin-coloured. They can be flat or raised, smooth or rough, and have some hair growing from them. Moles can change in number and appearance. Some fade away over time, often without you realising. They also sometimes respond to hormonal changes. They can make you feel very self-conscious, especially when on the face. GP’s will not remove benign moles as this is classed as a cosmetic procedure.

We require that all moles are checked by a GP prior to treatment.

Skin Tags

Skin tags are small growths of skin which may have a peduncle (stalk) – they look like a small piece of soft, hanging skin. They develop due to friction on areas such as the neck, chest, bra line, underarm, and groin. They are completely harmless but can be both unsightly irritating. Skin tags are extremely common in both women and men equally. Some people are more susceptible to tags, either because of weight, partly due to heredity, and often for unknown reasons. People with diabetes and pregnant women tend to be more prone to skin tags. A causal genetic component is thought to exist, i.e. susceptibility may be genetic. People with close family members who have skin tags are more likely to develop them themselves.

Seborrhoeic Kerastosis

More commonly known as seborrhoiec warts or senile warts these skin lesions are non-cancerous (benign) growths that occur on the skin. They have a wart like appearance and colour may vary but they tend to be darkish brown or black. They are usually round although they can also be oval in shape and some warts have an irregular shape, and size can vary from around one centimetre to several centimetres in diameter. The actual cause of seborrhoeic warts is unknown. It can be common to develop several seborrhoeic warts as you become older and can be hereditary. They can occur almost anywhere on your body.

Sebaceous Cysts

Sebaceous cysts are common, benign (non cancerous) cysts of the skin. And are most commonly found on face, neck, or torso. They tend to grow slowly and are not life threatening, but can become uncomfortable if left untrated. These cysts most commonly affect people in their 20s and 30s and are twice as likely on men – in fact the scrotum is a further common place for them to occur. The size of these lumps can vary from that of a small pea to a few centimetres wide and some may slowly grow over a few months. If punctured a toothpaste or cheese type fluid will sometimes seep from the cyst, do not attempt this at home as infection is common.

Broken Capillaries

Broken capillaries are a problem with the tiny blood vessels that become visible near the surface of the skin and usually appear as streaks or blotches. Broken capillaries appear close to the skin surface and can be identified by their red or blue colour. There are surface tiny delicate veins just under the skin that are responsible for the blood circulation in the face. When the walls of these veins narrow and widen suddenly, breakage may occur. Some of these ruptured blood vessels cannot repair themselves or go back to their normal thickness without some kind of treatment.

Spider Naevus

Spider naevi or nauvus (several) is the name given to small clumps of blood vessels which appear on the surface of the skin. They are described as “spiders” because of their appearance, resembling the body of a spider, with the finer radiating vessels looking like the legs of a spider. They are extremely common in both males and females, usually seen in the upper part of the body, face, neck, upper chest and arms. Other common sites include the hands, forearms and ears. Spider naevi may occur on the trunk, or on the scalp, neck, arms and hands. Almost all spider naevi occur on the upper part of the body.

Liver/Age Spots

Age spots, also called liver spots and solar lentigines, are flat tan, brown or black spots. They vary in size and usually appear on the face, hands, shoulders and arms – areas most exposed to the sun. Age spots are very common in adults older than age 50. But, younger people can get them too, especially if they spend a lot of time in the sun.

Campbell De Morgan Spots (Blood Spots)

Blood spots (campbell de morgan spots or purpura) are red or purple-coloured spots occurring on both the face and body. They occur when small blood vessels burst, causing blood to pool under the skin and results in blemishes on the skin that range in size from small dots to larger patches and most commonly appear with age. The spots or bruises, called purpuric spots, result from small areas of bleeding under the skin and may be caused by damaged blood vessels or by an abnormality in the blood,. The appearance of the spots varies, and they can range from the size of a pinhead to about 2.5cm (1in) in diameter. Unlike many other red rashes, purpuric spots do not fade when they are pressed.

Warts/ Verrucae

Warts and Verrucae are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are over 150 different types of HPV, but most warts are caused by only a few specific types. The virus infects cells in your skin, causing it to thicken and coarsen.

Warts in particular respond well to Advanced Epilation. Consultation determines the exact treatment as warts vary in size and presentation. A secondary treatment may also be used in conjunction with the Advanced Epilation.

Contact the team on 02392 388149 or 07795 522700 for a consultation and treatment.