Sheridan Foot Health Position Statement
The General Data Protection Regulation, known as the GDPR, represents a significant modernisation of data protection law and one that considers new developments in technology and new uses of personal data that simply did not exist at the time of the current (until May 2018 that is) legislation, the Data Protection Act 1998. Since establishing Sheridan Foot Health in 2013, we have been registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) as formal Data Protection Registration. From May 25th, 2018, the new European Privacy Regulation, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) means we need your approval regarding the collection, recording, storage, appropriate processing and disposal of personal information and photographic images. This covers all information held by Sheridan Foot Health both electronically and in hard copy (paper format).
What data will be collected and processed?
To book an appointment, you will be asked for basic demographic information such as name, address, DOB, and contact number(s). At your first appointment, you will also be asked for details regarding your medical history including any medications. This enables us to understand better your overall health and how this may be reflected in the health of your feet, ears, and skin. For our foot health clients, all information will be stored electronically on a ‘cloud- based’ database called ‘Podware’. For our ear wax removal and skin blemish removal clients, only their basic demographic information will be stored on ‘Podware’. ‘Podware’ is stored on Microsoft’s cloud (SQL-Azure) which uses world class data security. There is a statement on the Podware website This means that the data is not stored directly on clinic laptops and is held securely. All systems are password protected and the filing cabinets locked using digital locks.
Who will collect the data and be responsible for safe storage?
The data is collected by the reception staff and clinical practitioners in Sheridan Foot Health. As Managing Director of Sheridan Foot Health (Portchester) Limited, Diane Sheridan is responsible for its safe storage.
How will it be used?
This information is held only with Sheridan Foot Health and will be accessed at your clinic or home visits and/ or to pull up information such as contact details should we need to contact you in between visits. No information that is held by Sheridan Foot Health is shared with external companies, except for relevant Health Care Professionals directly related to your care.
How will it be stored and how long will it be stored?
For those individuals who attend for their foot care, their clinical and ongoing treatment notes will be stored and maintained electronically on a database, ‘Podware’, which is held remotely (cloud based) and not directly on the laptops. Please note that all basic demographic information for ear wax removal and skin blemish removal are currently stored on Podware and medical history/ treatments are held as paper copies. Home visit client information is currently only held as paper records. All paper records are stored in locked cabinets in the Portchester clinic reception. For security reasons, the Portchester clinic has metal shutters which are in place and locked when the clinic premises are closed. All clinical areas are also secondary locked. Records will be held for medico-legal reasons for a period of 8 years and an audit undertaken at this time point. If clients have not otherwise informed us sooner that they no longer wish to attend the clinic then their records will be deleted, and any paper held data will be shredded. For children, records will be held until they are 21 or 8 years from their last treatment if they had treatment since they have turned 13 years of age.
How will it be destroyed?
Paper records are shredded, and database records deleted on the ‘Podware’ database.
Can I see my records?
All clients have the right to see their records if they wish.
How will referrals be managed?
In some instances, you may require a referral to your General Practitioner, Nurse, or other Health Care Professional. Sheridan Foot Health will continue to write referrals, either by giving them directly to you or emailed directly to the relevant Health Care Professional with your permission. Should you require any further information regarding any part of the new GDPR and/or how this is being adhered to by Sheridan Foot Health and Sheridan Skin Health please speak to a member of staff or for general information you can visit