Ball of the Foot Pain (Metatarsalgia)
What is it and what are the symptoms?
Metatarsalgia is the name for pain in the ball of the foot, it is also known as stone bruise. It often occurs in the the metatarsals which are the bones that connect the ankle bones to the toes. It is a common problem which can affect the bones and joints of the metatarsals. They’re a common source of pain because they support your weight when you’re standing, walking, and running. It may affect one or both feet and will often develop gradually over time.
Symptoms of Metatarsalgia include:
- A burning pain.
- Sharp aching.
- Pain in the ball of the foot or near the toes.
- Pain that increases when walking in bare feet especially when walking on a hard surface.
- Pain that worsens when standing or moving around but decreases when the weight is taken off the feet.
- Shooting pains or a tingling sensation in the toes.
What causes Ball of the Foot Pain?
- Badly fitting footwear – high-heeled or restrictive shoes can force the ball of the foot into a small amount of space.
- High-impact sports – such as running or tennis.
- Being overweight – this can also increase the pressure on the feet.
- An unusual bone structure in the feet – having narrow, high-arched or flat feet can increase the chances of Metatarsalgia.
- Joint and foot conditions – including Arthritis, Bunions, Bursitis, Gout, Hammer Toe(s), Morton’s Neuroma and Stress Fractures.
Metatarsalgia is also more common in older people and people with diabetes.
What is the treatment?
Sheridan Foot Health will undertake a full foot health assessment and a treatment plan will be devised to suit your individual needs and requirements.
Possible treatment options include: pain killers, ice, massage, strapping, exercises, orthotic insoles and wearing the correct footwear. A referral to your GP may be required to fully investigate the underlying causes.
Contact the team on 02392 388149 or 07795 522700 for a consultation and treatment.