Fungal Toenail Infection (Onychomycosis)
What is it and what are the symptoms?
When a nail is infected by a fungus, the nails become discoloured and thickened in appearance. It frequently affects the hallux (big toe). The nails may become brittle and flaky and the colour of the nails can present as white, black, yellow or green.
There may be no pain in the initial stages of the fungal infection and if left untreated, it can lead to further tissue damage which will prolong healing. Foot odour may be present.
What causes them?
Several types of fungus cause nail infections.
Athlete’s Foot is a common fungal skin infection of the toes that can easily spread to the toenails.
Candida is a yeast that can cause an infection of the skin around the nails (usually the fingernails).
There are several factors that increase the risk of a fungal nail infection, such as:
- Wearing shoes that cause hot sweaty feet.
- Being in a humid environment.
- Regular damage to the nail or skin.
- Sharing towels or shoes.
- Certain health conditions such as diabetes or psoriasis.
Sheridan Foot Health will diagnosis a fungal nail infection after conducting a physical examination of your feet.
What is the treatment?
Sheridan Foot Health will undertake a full foot health assessment and a treatment plan will be devised to suit your individual needs and requirements. Once assessed, the nail(s) may be burred to reduce the thickness and to trim the fungus from the nail(s). We will also check the condition of the other toes and fingernails.
Fungal nail infections can usually be treated and cured. One of the treatments may include ‘Clearanail’, whereby small holes are drilled into the nail and treated with antifungal medication directly into the nail matrix. For more information, please click here.
Contact the team on 02392 388149 or 07795 522700 for a consultation and treatment.